
Dangers of irradiation

The owners of cats struck with hind limb ataxia, which has left them incontinent and unable to move or feed themselves, are today speaking out against the dangers posed by irradiation.

The five previously healthy cats from across Sydney, who had nothing in common apart from their diets, have all been struck down by the same devastating illness.

Their shocking conditions have been linked to a gourmet pet food, Orijen, which was withdrawn from Australian shelves by its Canadian manufacturer Champion Petfoods late last year.

Today, the cats’ owners are going public to warn others about the dangers of irradiation, which is a quarantine process all imported pet food must undergo before it is able to be sold in Australia.

They believe the chemicals used in the treatment broke down ingredients in the Orijen food, causing it to become rancid, and poisoned the animals.

Sydney-based cat neurologist, Georgina Child, has treated more than 60 felines since October and said at least 16 had either died or been put down because of the severity of their symptoms. But she estimated the number of casualties could be much higher.

“The food was sold through some pet shops and some veterinary hospitals but it was also sold through the internet, so it could’ve gone all over Australia,” she said.

— Daily Telegraph

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