AIP becomes a supporting signatory to the Australian Food Pact

AIP becomes a supporting signatory to the Australian Food Pact

The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) has announced that it has become a supporting signatory to the Australian Food Pact. The Australian Food Pact is a partnership of organisations that operate along the farm-to-fork food supply chain and represents a major step towards the country reaching its food waste reduction goal of 50 per cent going to landfill by 2030. Read More
Post Consumer Recyclate

ANZ packaging with Post Consumer Recyclate stands out globally

One of the 2025 National Packaging Targets is that all packaging that is made, used and sold in Australia needs to incorporate 50 per cent recycled content. In the latest data report entitled Australian Packaging Consumption and Recycling Data 2019–20, it indicates that 39 per cent of the packaging on the market in our region now incorporates recycled content.  
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