On The Shelf

Thankyou Water Lightly Sparkling

Product name: Thankyou Water Lightly Sparkling 500mL

Product manufacturer: Thankyou Water

Ingredients: Chloride 25, Sodium 15, Magnesium 3.5, Potassium 0.5

Shelf life: one year

Packaging: PET bottle with cardboard carton shipper

Product manager: Justine Flynn

Brand website: https://thankyouwater.org

What the company says
Thankyou Water Lightly Sparkling 500mL is the third product to join the Thankyou Water range. Thankyou Water is a social enterprise that exists for the sole purpose of funding safe water projects in developing nations.

Every bottle of Thankyou Water Lightly Sparkling provides at least one month's worth of water to someone in need. The product is a lightly carbonated beverage, sold in a 500mL bottle and available from 7-Eleven Australia outlets.

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